Yoga Flow & Philosophy for the Body, Mind & Soul


Natasha Basu is a certified yoga teacher and author with a doctorate in Philosophy.

She combines her passion for movement, background in research and decade long experience with healing from cancer and its after effects to teach yoga for the body, mind and soul. In her classes she also likes to incorporate wisdom from other movement modalities such as pilates, dance and Qi gong.

On this website you can book online and in-person classes and sign up for the journal, which will contain bits of yoga philosophy, healthy recipes and tips on how to deepen your own yoga practice.


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Why Power Vinyasa Yoga?

Asana (physical postures), Pranayama (conscious breathing), and Dhyana (meditation) are three of the eight limbs of the Ashtanga Yoga System, where Vinyasa has its roots. These three principles are at the foundation of every Vinyasa yoga class I teach. Yoga, which originated in the Indus Valley over 5,000 years ago, can be understood as a union of the body, mind and spirit. The combination of movement, breathing and mental focus can help to balance the brain and nervous system, and strengthen the body.

A regular vinyasa yoga practice can reduce stress and anxiety, boost the immune system, improve hormone function, sleep and digestion, and can enhance memory and cognitive functions. Stress reduction helps the body to release old traumas, which enables true healing. Transform your body and mind by releasing all that no longer serves you. Tap into your authentic self and discover you inner power.

Move with Grace

Focus the Mind

Build Strength

From the Journal

The Journal

by Natasha Basu